Prototype testing an application flow with 5 start-ups
Is the online application flow self-explanatory, user-friendly and smooth? The Amsterdam Municipality Initiative " Innovation Partners" wanted to evaluate and improve their new online tool for applying for a public tender. Their main target group: Start-up companies.
Although the form's interface was perceived as clear and comprehensive, using 5hellos, they identified some crucial factors for the success of the tool.
Based on a 2-minute survey that was filled in by the 5 innovators before the conversation, Lea led the session to find out how they perceived the tool. What followed was a lively discussion.
"Helping the municipality of Amsterdam with feedback on a new, public tender tool was great. It's often a daunting process, so good to have our opinions included."
Although the interface was deemed clear and comprehensive, the panelists indicated that the tool would benefit from extra attention to the quality and presentation of the information.
The insights from the discussion were summarized in a compact report with actionable recommendations.
For example:
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