Find the answers you've been missing

The 5hellos method uses individual inputs followed by short, online group conversations to find the deep insights that matter.

Take our fast track to powerful insights.

4 simple steps to results

Determine the research goal

The session manager discusses what you want to get out of the sessions: for example, feedback on a campaign or concept? Improve conversion on a webpage? Understand your client needs better?

Meet your panellists

As soon as we found 5 panellists, we will let you know. This way you already know their names and background.

Select 5 people

Tell us about your target group. Describe it in a sentence. We'll find the right 5 people from our unique 5hellos panel. Guaranteed.

Set the date

Most sessions can go live in 3-5 days after the set-up. Invite colleagues to observe the session afterwards or during the session.

Select questions

Depending on your goal, we select 5 questions to discuss during the session. We use these in a survey upfront to send them to the panelists.

Read 5 individual opinons

Read the answers from the participants. If anything specific pops up that merits attention in the session, discuss it with the session manager.

Prep the materials

We'll review the materials, link, pdf or image, that you want to use as input for the session. Based on our experience, we'll make them session-ready.

Prep the session

The expert moderator preps the deep dive into the participants' individual inputs. They'll share their approach to ensure we're exploring what you need.

Listen live

An experienced 5hellos moderator guides the session. You can listen in (camera and sound off), ask  questions at the end and tell your story.

Or watch later

If you don't have time to be there live, that's no problem. You can watch the recording afterwards to experience it yourself.

Read the insights and actions

We translate the session by picking the most important ah-ha-moments. We translate that to what you can do tomorrow (today!) to improve your work.

Share insights with your team

Share the most important actions or the full 5hellos report with colleagues to take a step towards a more client-driven world.
See examples in use
Peter is a digital marketeer in Amsterdam. He joined the 5hellos panel to join in conversations that help others like him.

Our panelists offer fresh views and want to help.

In our experience, it's important to speak with 5 people who have something to say (and who share some similarity to your target audience). That's why 5hellos panelists enjoy a conversation and like giving ideas and input.

Looking for a panelist with a highly specific profile?

No worries. We'll find 5 vegetarian healthcare workers who run marathons and shop online, if need be.
More about panel options

5 people are often better than 5,000.

Our small-scale sessions - carefully prepared - offer invaluable input on your concepts, campaigns or digital interfaces, before it goes to market.

Your work becomes more customer-centric and has a greater chance of success, especially if you do this often.

In fact, Nielsen Norman Group research shows that just 5 people can identify about 80% of the issues in any specific interface design. Go figure.

5 people make your work more customer-centric
Uncover about 80% of issues in design
Maximize the chance of success

This is why it works

The power of conversation
Talking to 5 people leads to insights you won't find from data only.  We go deep on the "why".
It's agile
Get results in days instead of weeks or months.
Powered by 25+ years in UX and marketing experience
We know how to ask the right questions for the best insights.
It puts your customer first
5hellos invites your customer to the table. By talking to clients, teams directly become more client-oriented.
Room for discussion
Panelists answer questions upfront, which leads to a lively discussion as people build on each other's ideas.
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5hellos: the numbers

Insights generated to date from 60 conversations.
Estimated additional monthly revenue for one client using 5hellos.
Higher click rates on UX designs researched using 5hellos.
See examples in use

And, what do your users think?