Hear the voices behind your business

Compelling insights from your target group on concepts, campaigns or sites in a snap.

Fast. Powerful. Effective.

How do 5hellos sessions work?

First, 5 individual opinions

We handpick 5 people in your target group, either B2C or B2B. They each answer carefully selected questions in advance of the session.

Then, an online group conversation

We lead the session exploring opinions to find the "why behind the why". The discussion guide gets us fast to what matters. Attend the session live, or watch the recording later with your team.

Lastly, translation into actions

Our expert team shares the insights and actions in an easy access report. Share the session with your team, and optimize your work.

Talk to us
“The best results come from... 5 users.”  

Nielsen Norman Group

Our clients

“5hellos is our trustworthy partner to collect user input from our target group in a structured manner.” - VP Global Retailer

Find out what 5hellos can do

Give us 15 minutes, we'll give you ways to improve your business

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Discover the 5hellosplus projects for your business


Develop and validate a new concept, service, or product in all sectors.

Empower teams

User Exploration

Make sense of your customers - create rich segments for effective sales & marketing.

Simple and fast


Test and improve the UX and conversion of a website or app.

Simple and fast


Understand how a marketing concept or campaign resonates with the target audience.

Read more about 5hellosplus

Why 5hellos works?

It's the only method that enables teams to get qualitative live input from customers in a snap. Let us do the work.

Evaluating brand promises with enterpreneurs

30 consumers from 3 countries and 600 consumers from the UK, share valuable insights prior to supermarket launch.

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Campaign for IT-managers

Let's check with IT managers what they think of this first digital campaign aimed at fellow professionals.

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Increase conversion with product videos

To what extent do product videos contribute to the decision-making process of shoppers and what should such a video meet?

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And, what do your users think?

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